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Attorney Eric Johnson Presents on the U.S. Legal System in Colombia
agosto 12, 2015

Attorney Eric Johnson Presents on the U.S. Legal System in Colombia

Smith Knudson partner Eric Johnson and Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett collaborated with legal experts from Colombia to compare and contrast the U.S. and Colombian legal systems at Forum de las Americas at the Universidad Libre in Colombia on August 12, 2015. DA Garnett and…

TPS Approved for Nepal! Registration open NOW
junio 27, 2015

TPS Approved for Nepal! Registration open NOW

The U.S. has announced its decision to designate Nepal for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months based on the conditions resulting from the devastating magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, and the subsequent aftershocks. As a result, eligible nationals of…

Immigration Relief Bill for Nepali Nationals Introduced
mayo 16, 2015

Immigration Relief Bill for Nepali Nationals Introduced

In response to the first major earthquake to hit Nepal in the past several weeks, Representative Green of Texas introduced H.R. 2033 to provide Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to nationals of Nepal present in the U.S. to remain in the U.S. temporarily while Nepal rebuilds.…

Kristin Knudson Elected to AILA Colorado Executive Committee
mayo 14, 2015

Kristin Knudson Elected to AILA Colorado Executive Committee

On May 13, 2015, Kristin Knudson was elected to the Executive Committee of the Colorado Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), the premier immigration lawyers association in the United States. AILA is dedicated to encouraging advocacy by its members at the local, State…

New Colorado Felony DUI Law will Affect Non-Citizens
mayo 08, 2015

New Colorado Felony DUI Law will Affect Non-Citizens

Colorado used to be one of only 5 states without a felony driving under the influence statute. That ended May 6, 2015, when after a long, hard-fought process, the Colorado state Senate passed a bill 34-1 to create a felony charge for a fourth DUI…

Immigration Expertise Is Essential to Defending Non-Citizens in Criminal Matters
abril 28, 2015

Immigration Expertise Is Essential to Defending Non-Citizens in Criminal Matters

Anybody can find themselves on the wrong end of the legal system. Sometimes you make a bad decision that can have a lifetime of consequences. Sometimes an argument can lead to your arrest. Sometimes an accusation means your life, and that of your family, is…

Historias de éxito de clientes:
Navegando la inmigración


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