At the end of December 2022, the Denver Immigration Court launched two new QR codes to help Respondents (immigrants appearing in front of an immigration judge) in proceedings at that court. A QR code is a machine-scannable image that can be instantly read using a SmartPhone camera. To use a QR code, one simply hovers their SmartPhone camera over the image until the camera reads the image. Once the camera reads the image, the person will be able to ‘click’ on a link which will take them to the website associated with the QR Code.
The first QR code will take respondents to the Court’s Automated Case Information website. By entering the “A Number” of the respondent (the nine-digit file number which follows the letter “A” and identifies the case number), the user will be able to obtain basic information regarding their case including the date and time of their next scheduled hearing.
The QR code for the Automated Case Information Website can be found here:
The second QR code launched by the court will take respondents to a webpage to help them change their address with the Immigration Court. By following the link on the QR Code, respondents will be able to enter their information in order to change their address with the court, a procedure which is not only required but imperative to ensure respondents don’t miss notifications from the court such as a hearing notice.
The second QR code can be found here:
These resources are intended to help respondents who are representing themselves in court. However, the results you achieve in immigration court tend to have lifelong consequences, and respondents have much better success overall when represented by competent immigration attorneys.
Feel free to contact our office to schedule a consultation to understand your rights and options. If you have any questions regarding your case or need assistance determining your next hearing or changing your address with the Immigration Court, you can contact our office.
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